shakthi ctf
soved challenges
- the description
- on openign the site and seeing the network tab in developer console
- as we see the trailing= we can expect it is base64 encoded
- so we decode it
- we see admin as 0
- there does not appear any protection mechanism against we changin its value
- so we change it to 1 (true)
- and agian encode it
- we send the request with this modifed cookie
- we get the flag
web/find the flag
- this is the description
- the attaced code is
import os from flask import Flask, request, render_template app = Flask(__name__) @app.get('/') def index(): test = request.args.get('test', None) if test is None: return render_template('index.html') command = f"find {test}" try: output = os.popen(command).read() except Exception as e: output = f"Error: {str(e)}" return render_template('index.html', output=output) if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=5000)
- so our request param test is goeing threoug the os.popen and the result is rendered
- this is the frontend
- os.popen
- find cmd resource
- find cmd usage
- we try to test in cmd
- we try to test on the website
- we try in cmd
- we try in website
- shaktictf{finally_you found_the_flag_hehehheh!}
web/ultimate spider man
- description
- on the frontend
- on cliking buying product with id 1 of cost 1000
- we get a coolkie and on deconding
- this is the checkout
- it is a get request with money
- on seding that get request we get payment successful
- we change the sign to chekc
- so signature is verifed
- our balance is not changing after buying things ` even thoug the header and payload are same in both (buing,checkout) the signature is different(as of different secretes used maybe)`
try none on chekout
- eyJhbGciOiAiTm9uZSIsICJ0eXAiOiAiSldUIn0K.eyJhbW91bnQiOiA1MDAwfQo
- on complely removing the sign part we get a err
- so we place a random char as sign
- shaktictf{Y0u_4re_th3_ult1mat3_f4n}
- description
- frontend
- provided code
<?php highlight_file(__FILE__); $command = $_GET['command'] ?? ''; if($command === '') { die("Please provide a command\n"); } function filter($command) { if(preg_match('/(`|\.|\$|\/|a|c|s|require|include)/i', $command)) { return false; } return true; } if(filter($command)) { eval($command); echo "Command executed"; } else { echo "Restricted characters have been used"; } echo "\n"; ?> Please provide a command
- we need to bypass the filter and read the flag.txt file
- we use 2 function here
- glob()-which returns the list of files which matched the given pattern
- so we do glob(“fl”)[0] ->which gives the file name
- we use this techniue as if need to read
but the letter a is filtered - as can be seen in this
The file() reads a file into an array.
- here itself we see
<?php print_r(file("test.txt")); ?>
- so we read the file test.txt and print it'*fl*')[0]));
- on running the executable file
- by running the file command we see it is a elf executable
- we use ghidra run to disassemble the binary
- we go to the main funciton in ghidra
undefined8 main(undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2) { int iVar1; size_t sVar2; long in_FS_OFFSET; char acStack_e8 [104]; undefined8 uStack_80; undefined4 local_6c; undefined8 local_68; char *local_60; undefined8 local_58; undefined8 local_50; undefined8 local_48; undefined6 local_40; undefined2 uStack_3a; undefined6 uStack_38; undefined8 local_32; long local_20; local_20 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28); local_6c = 100; local_68 = 99; local_60 = acStack_e8; printf("Enter the flag: ",param_2,3); fgets(local_60,100,stdin); sVar2 = strcspn(local_60,"\n"); local_60[sVar2] = '\0'; reverseString(local_60); local_58 = 0x316e64333364217d; local_50 = 0x346c6c336e67335f; local_48 = 0x34726d55705f6368; local_40 = 0x31355f345f77; uStack_3a = 0x735f; uStack_38 = 0x74667b746831; local_32 = 0x7368616b746963; iVar1 = strcmp(local_60,(char *)&local_58); if (iVar1 == 0) { puts("\nYou got it!!"); } else { puts("Oops, that\'s not the correct flag"); } if (local_20 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) { /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */ uStack_80 = 0x10137e; __stack_chk_fail(); } return 0; }
- user enterd string is in local60
- then the string is reveresd ` reverseString(local_60);`
local_58 = 0x316e64333364217d; local_50 = 0x346c6c336e67335f; local_48 = 0x34726d55705f6368; local_40 = 0x31355f345f77; uStack_3a = 0x735f; uStack_38 = 0x74667b746831; local_32 = 0x7368616b746963;
- then at consecutive locaitons some hex data is stored
- then it is being compaed with user input string local_60
iVar1 = strcmp(local_60,(char *)&local_58); if (iVar1 == 0) { puts("\nYou got it!!"); } else { puts("Oops, that\'s not the correct flag"); }
- we just convert each part to ascii (by hex to asci converter) and we reassemble
local_58 = 0x316e64333364217d;---1nd33d!} local_50 = 0x346c6c336e67335f;----4ll3ng3_ local_48 = 0x34726d55705f6368;---4rmUp_ch local_40 = 0x31355f345f77;-----15_4_w uStack_3a = 0x735f;--------s_ uStack_38 = 0x74667b746831;---tf{th1 local_32 = 0x7368616b746963;---shaktic shaktictf{th1s_15_4_w4rmUp_ch4ll3ng3_1nd33d!}
rev/cyber kingdom
undefined8 main(void)
uint uVar1;
long in_FS_OFFSET;
int local_16c;
int local_168;
int local_164;
int local_160;
uint auStack_158 [36];
int local_c8 [36];
byte local_38 [40];
long local_10;
local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
for (local_16c = 0; local_16c < 0x23; local_16c = local_16c + 1) {
uVar1 = rand();
auStack_158[local_16c] = uVar1 & 0xf;
puts("\n\t||| Welcome to my Cyber Kingdom |||");
puts("||| I have a quick task for you if you don\'t mind |||");
puts("|| Find the correct flag for me and prove yourself! ||\n");
printf("Please enter the flag: ");
fgets((char *)local_38,0x24,stdin);
for (local_168 = 0; local_168 < 0x23; local_168 = local_168 + 1) {
local_38[local_168] = local_38[local_168] ^ (byte)auStack_158[local_168];
local_c8[0] = 0x72;
local_c8[1] = 0x6d;
local_c8[2] = 0x60;
local_c8[3] = 0x65;
local_c8[4] = 0x73;
local_c8[5] = 0x62;
local_c8[6] = 0x68;
local_c8[7] = 0x7a;
local_c8[8] = 0x6c;
local_c8[9] = 0x7a;
local_c8[10] = 0x77;
local_c8[11] = 100;
local_c8[12] = 0x31;
local_c8[13] = 0x54;
local_c8[14] = 0x77;
local_c8[15] = 0x31;
local_c8[16] = 0x6c;
local_c8[17] = 99;
local_c8[18] = 0x59;
local_c8[19] = 0x67;
local_c8[20] = 0x62;
local_c8[21] = 0x31;
local_c8[22] = 0x6c;
local_c8[23] = 0x58;
local_c8[24] = 0x31;
local_c8[25] = 0x7d;
local_c8[26] = 0x53;
local_c8[27] = 0x7e;
local_c8[28] = 0x3b;
local_c8[29] = 0x62;
local_c8[30] = 0x69;
local_c8[31] = 0x30;
local_c8[32] = 0x6c;
local_c8[33] = 0x31;
local_c8[34] = 0x72;
local_164 = 0;
for (local_160 = 0; local_160 < 0x23; local_160 = local_160 + 1) {
if (local_c8[local_160] == (int)(char)local_38[local_160]) {
local_164 = local_164 + 1;
if (local_164 == 0x23) {
puts("\nYou got it!!");
else {
puts("\nNope, that\'s not the right path");
if (local_10 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
return 0;
- flag length is 35
- so here there is random number generation but it uses a seed so same random numbers will come all the time
- so austack contains the random number
- our user input is in local38
- it is xored with the austack
- the result is compared with the localc8
- our_input^the_fixed_array=localc8
- so to get the our_input which must be the flag
- our_input=the_fixed_array^localc8
- the fixed array can be found by
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { srand(0x7b); int aray[35]={0}; for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++) { int x=rand() & 0xf; printf("%d,", x); } printf("done"); return 0; }
length=35 random_numbers=[1,5,1,14,7,11,11,14,10,1,0,12,1,11,4,5,5,7,6,1,14,5,11,7,0,14,12,12,15,12,13,0,1,14,15] local_c8=['']*35 local_c8[0] = 0x72 local_c8[1] = 0x6d local_c8[2] = 0x60 local_c8[3] = 0x65 local_c8[4] = 0x73 local_c8[5] = 0x62 local_c8[6] = 0x68 local_c8[7] = 0x7a local_c8[8] = 0x6c local_c8[9] = 0x7a local_c8[10] = 0x77 local_c8[11] = 100 local_c8[12] = 0x31 local_c8[13] = 0x54 local_c8[14] = 0x77 local_c8[15] = 0x31 local_c8[16] = 0x6c local_c8[17] = 99 local_c8[18] = 0x59 local_c8[19] = 0x67 local_c8[20] = 0x62 local_c8[21] = 0x31 local_c8[22] = 0x6c local_c8[23] = 0x58 local_c8[24] = 0x31 local_c8[25] = 0x7d local_c8[26] = 0x53 local_c8[27] = 0x7e local_c8[28] = 0x3b local_c8[29] = 0x62 local_c8[30] = 0x69 local_c8[31] = 0x30 local_c8[32] = 0x6c local_c8[33] = 0x31 local_c8[34] = 0x72 # print(local_c8) for i in range(len(local_c8)): print(chr((local_c8[i])^random_numbers[i]),end='')
it is just doing the xor between c8 and the fixed random numbers
rev/operaion ultra
import base64
def func_1(unk_str0, unk_str):
flag_len = len(unk_str0)
unk_str_len = len(unk_str)
unk_str1 = bytearray(unk_str0, 'utf-8')
for i in range(flag_len):
unk_str1[i] = unk_str1[i] ^ ord(unk_str[i % unk_str_len])
return unk_str1.decode('utf-8')
def func_2(unk_str0):
flag_len = len(unk_str0)
unk_str3 = [''] * flag_len
j = 0
for i in range(0, flag_len , 4):
unk_str3[j] = unk_str0[i]
unk_str3[j + 1] = unk_str0[i + 1]
j += 2
for i in range(2, flag_len, 4):
unk_str3[j] = unk_str0[i]
unk_str3[j + 1] = unk_str0[i + 1]
j += 2
return ''.join(unk_str3)
def main():
unk_str = "U2hhZG93MjAyNA=="
unk_str = base64.b64decode(unk_str.encode('ascii')).decode('ascii')
unk_str0 = input("Enter the input: ")
unk_str1 = func_1(unk_str0, unk_str)
unk_str2 = func_2(unk_str1)
unk_arr0 = [32, 0, 27, 30, 84, 79, 86, 22, 97, 100, 63, 95, 60, 34, 1, 71, 0, 15, 81, 68, 6, 4, 91, 40, 87, 0, 9, 59, 81, 83, 102, 21]
for i in range(len(unk_str0)):
if unk_arr0[i] != ord(unk_str2[i]):
print("\nCorrect Flag!\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
change variable name
import base64
def func_1(user_input, shadow_string):
flag_len = len(user_input)
fun1_result = bytearray(user_input, 'utf-8')
for i in range(flag_len):
fun1_result[i] = fun1_result[i] ^ ord(shadow_string[i % 10])
return fun1_result.decode('utf-8')
def func_2(fun1_result):
flag_len = len(fun1_result)
func2_res_in_aray_from = [''] * flag_len
j = 0
for i in range(0, flag_len , 4):
func2_res_in_aray_from[j] = fun1_result[i]
func2_res_in_aray_from[j + 1] = fun1_result[i + 1]
j += 2
for i in range(2, flag_len, 4):
func2_res_in_aray_from[j] = fun1_result[i]
func2_res_in_aray_from[j + 1] = fun1_result[i + 1]
j += 2
return ''.join(func2_res_in_aray_from)
def main():
shadow_string = 'Shadow2024'
user_input = input("Enter the input: ")
fun1_result = func_1(user_input, shadow_string)
fun2_result = func_2(fun1_result)
constants_array = [32, 0, 27, 30, 84, 79, 86, 22, 97, 100, 63, 95, 60, 34, 1, 71, 0, 15, 81, 68, 6, 4, 91, 40, 87, 0, 9, 59, 81, 83, 102, 21]
for i in range(len(user_input)):
if constants_array[i] != ord(fun2_result[i]):
print("\nCorrect Flag!\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# the final value that we need i.e after going thoguh fun1,fun2 with this it is checked against
final_need=[32, 0, 27, 30, 84, 79, 86, 22, 97, 100, 63, 95, 60, 34, 1, 71, 0, 15, 81, 68, 6, 4, 91, 40, 87, 0, 9, 59, 81, 83, 102, 21]
#create a array to store
new_array=[''] * flag_len
for i in range(0,flag_len,4):
for i in range(2, flag_len, 4):
j += 2
## with these 2 for loops we make a new array which has the mapping of func2 indices to func1 indices
for i,j in zip(final_need,function1_res_mapping):
## now we try to get the result of func1
##func2 result :32 0 27 30
##corresponding mapping posion of func1:0 1 4 5
func1_result=[''] * 32
for i in range(len(function1_res_mapping)):
#now we got from final need to func1 result
#now from func1 result to we need to get the user input
#func1 is just doing an xor operaiton
#func1 result=userinput^shadow string
#so to get the userinput we just do the xor of shadow string and func1 result
#userinput=func1 result^shadow string
answer_array=[''] * 32
shadow_string = 'Shadow2024'
for i in range(32):
answer_array[i] = chr(func1_result[i] ^ ord(shadow_string[i % 10]))
print("flag is ",ans)
flag is shaktictf{Ul7r4_STe4l7h_SUcc3s5}